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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

General Information


  • A Parents’ Guide to AYSO. A booklet that includes AYSO philosophies and programs, codes of conduct, and general info about the rules of soccer.  
  • Foster City AYSO is part of the AYSO Kids Zone pledge
                    Kids are No. 1
Fun – not winning – is everything
Fans cheer, coaches coach
No yelling in anger
Respect the volunteer referees
No swearing or abusive behavior
No alcohol, tobacco or drugs
No weapons
Leave no trash behind
Set a proper example of sportsmanship.  


Player Safety

  • Shin guards worn under the socks are required for all practices and games. This is a AYSO National regulation.
  • Sneakers, turf shoes, and soccer cleats are allowed.  Metal cleats and shoes with toe cleats are NOT allowed, by USSF mandate.
  • Prescription glasses are allowed. No other glasses are allowed, by Laws of the Game.
  • Following USSF and Laws of the Game: Jewelry is not allowed; this means NO necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, leather bands, string or rubber bracelets, or metal or sharp hair elements. Moreover, using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.  Taped medical alert bracelets are the only exception.
  • Soft braces without hard component are allowed. Casts are not allowed, even if padded, by USSF regulation.

Weather and Air Quality Policy

Practices and games will be held during the rain. Practice and games are cancelled in the event of lightning and thunder.  Play can resume only after at least 30 minutes since the last lightning or thunder was seen or heard.  

Practices and clinics might be cancelled due to temperature extremes - coaches will make that determination and notify parents in advance.  Parents are free to withhold their child’s participation for temperature concerns.

Practices and games will be cancelled if the AirNow Quality Index exceeds 150 (Unhealthy).   Parents may choose to withhold player’s attendance at any time due to concerns with air quality.


The preferred communication method to parents is the Whatsapp group. Please ask your coach or division manager for a link to join. 
Emails sent via SportsConnect are also common.


AYSO Foster City is run by volunteers. The more volunteer coaches and referees, the more teams and games we can have. Please consider helping, we provide training and gear. 

National Partners

League Sponsors

Contact Us

Foster City AYSO

PO Box 4270 
Foster City, California 94404

Email Us: [email protected]
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